I want it and I want it NOW!!!!

We have a tendency to want things NOW when we decide we are ready, RIGHT??? Color services are something that more than half of population are getting done. We hear about the latest and greatest techniques and styles. So how do we decide on what type of COLOR service to get??? I think I want an Ombre? I heard about Hair Painting, what is that? Should I get highlights or low lights? Well when it comes to figuring out just what you want or what to ask for keep in mind Pinterest is your friend. With that being said you have to know your hair. What do you mean by that Sue???  Well you have to understand some color services do not happen in one setting. “Rome was not built in a day.” Of course I am not sure who quoted that first but lets give a moment to appreciate a great quote! We all see photos of Guy Tang’s amazing work.gt Guy Tang!!!

He has an Instagram account and he post videos on You Tube ! 

Some of his guests spend up to 8 hours sitting in his chair to create the look they want. I know most do not have that kind of time. That’s where the multiple services come into play. I always advise if you can wait 2 weeks in between services to give the hair a rest and time to reconstruct with a great product like Redken’s Extreme. We also have Olaplex now and that product can help recondition the hair as it is being chemically treated. So with that being explained let enjoy a few beautiful hair colors created at Fringe!

Now keep in mind if you are going to get these services you need to make sure you have the right hair care to protect, repair, and keep your hair looking its best. Your stylist can give you the best recommendation. So thank you for taking the time to read our BLOG!

Beautiful hair is not cheap but cheap hair is not beautiful.


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